Monday, May 2, 2016

Healing Materials

Healing Materials 

Healing Material is very helpful. If someone had a gun and was practicing on a barrel of water, one had the healing and the other one didn't. The one with the Material wouldn't spill much water from the barrel. The one without the material spills a lot of water and is pouring out water.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Question 2

How does social media help people to communicate?

If you have a away family member your able to say Hi and face time them.When you are away from home you can always call your mommy from your social media.

Shark Skin

Shark skin is amazing with cleaning.It helps with taking away the germs from human skins .Their skin is unique in many ways.Their skins are like tiny teethes on their skins and it makes it feel rough just like sandpaper.One thing i think is weird is the way they calm down the shark is by rubbing their noses and it calms them down.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Question 1

I love digital art because I get to have fun and learn about technology and different websites.

Gecko Feet

Gecko Feet
Gecko have small little hairs on their feet.They take their body weight and focuses on their feet so they wouldn't fall or slip off the glass.They are like super hero or spider-man.One day, I would like to climb my room wall and crawl around my house and scare people before they come into my house.I feel like that when the future come I would be able to fly and climb walls and everything.Geckos are amazing with their SUPER POWER to stick to a surface.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Technology as Friend or Foe

Technology as Foe 

 My opinion on robots as friends I must disagree.Reason why, because if they make a robot with feelings and someone mistreats the robot it can turn against you without you knowing.With one word they can do what you want them to do.

  For example, if you want the robot to get you something from the store, it can attack the humans for no reason. If a robot is working for N.Y.P.D it will have a gun,with the gun it can shoot an innocent person.